Source code for corenlp_xml.coreference

This library is responsible for handling coreference resolution parsing from the XML output

[docs]class Coreference(): """ Reflects a grouping of mentions """ def __init__(self, document, element): """ Constructor method :param document: the document handling these relationships :type document: corenlp_xml.document.Document :param element: an lxml element :type element: lxml.etree.ElementBase """ self._element = element self._mentions = None self._representative = None self.document = document @property
[docs] def mentions(self): """ Returns mentions :return: list of mentions :rtype: list """ if self._mentions is None: self._mentions = [] for mention_element in self._element.xpath('mention'): this_mention = Mention(self, mention_element) self._mentions.append(this_mention) if this_mention.representative: self._representative = this_mention return self._mentions
[docs] def representative(self): """ Representative mention :return: representative Mention :rtype: corenlp_xml.coreference.Mention """ if self._representative is None: """ Lazy-loaded! """ self.mentions return self._representative
[docs]class Mention(): """ Reflects a given mention """ def __init__(self, coref, element): """ Constructor method :param coref: a coreference grouping :type coref: corenlp_xml.coreference.Coreference :param element: an xml element :type element: lxml.etree.ElementBase """ self._coref = coref self._element = element self._start = int(element.xpath('start/text()')[0]) self._end = int(element.xpath('end/text()')[0]) self._sentence_id = int(element.xpath('sentence/text()')[0]) self._sentence = None self._head_id = int(element.xpath('head/text()')[0]) self._head = None texts = element.xpath('text/text()') self.text = texts[0] if len(texts) > 0 else '' # one-off bug? @property
[docs] def sentence(self): """ The sentence related to this mention :getter: returns the sentence this mention relates to :type: corenlp_xml.document.Sentence """ if self._sentence is None: sentences = self._element.xpath('sentence/text()') if len(sentences) > 0: self._sentence = self._coref.document.get_sentence_by_id(int(sentences[0])) return self._sentence
[docs] def siblings(self): """ Accesses other mentions in this coref group :getter: the other mentions for this coref group :type: list of corenlp_xml.coreference.Mention """ return [mention for mention in self._coref.mentions if mention is not self]
[docs] def tokens(self): """ A list of tokens related to this mention :getter: returns a list of tokens relating to this mention :type: list of corenlp_xml.document.Token """ return self.sentence.tokens[self._start-1:self._end-1]
[docs] def head(self): """ The token serving as the "head" of the mention :getter: the token corresponding to the head :type: corenlp_xml.document.Token """ if self._head is None: self._head = self.sentence.tokens[self._head_id] return self._head
[docs] def representative(self): """ Interprets and normalizes the "representative" attribute" :getter: determines whether the mention is representative :type: bool """ return self._element.get('representative', False) == 'true'