Source code for corenlp_xml.dependencies

This component is responsible for managing dependency parses

[docs]class DependencyGraph(): """ Dependency graph, models a dependency parse """ def __init__(self, element): """ Constructor method :param element: An lxml element :type element: class:lxml.etree.ElementBase """ self._element = element self.type = element.get('type') self._nodes = dict() self._links_by_type = dict() for dep in self._element.xpath('dep'): link = DependencyLink(self, dep) self._links_by_type[link.type] = self._links_by_type.get(link.type, []) + [link]
[docs] def get_node_by_idx(self, idx): """ Stores each distinct node in a dict :param idx: the "idx" value of the node :type idx: int :return: the node instance for that index :type: corenlp_xml.dependencies.DependencyNode """ return self._nodes.get(int(idx))
@property def register_node(self, node): self._nodes[node.idx] = node
[docs]class DependencyNode(): """ Represents a node in a dependency graph """ def __init__(self, graph, element): """ Instantiates the node in the graph :param graph: The dependency graph this node is a member of :type graph: corenlp_xml.dependencies.DependencyGraph :param element: The lxml element wrapping the node :type element: lxml.ElementBase """ self._graph = graph self.idx = int(element.get('idx')) self.text = element.text """ These properties are dicts of link type to node """ self._governors = dict() self._dependents = dict() @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, graph, element): """ Instantiates the node in the graph if it's not already stored in the graph :param graph: The dependency graph this node is a member of :type graph: corenlp_xml.dependencies.DependencyGraph :param element: The lxml element wrapping the node :type element: lxml.ElementBase """ node = graph.get_node_by_idx(id(element.get("idx"))) if node is None: node = cls(graph, element) graph.register_node(node) return node
[docs] def governors(self): """ Gets governing nodes :getter: returns a flat list of all governing nodes :type: list of corenlp_xml.dependencies.DependencyNode """ return [value for grouping in self._governors.values() for value in grouping]
[docs] def dependents(self): """ Gets dependent nodes :getter: returns a flat list of all governing nodes :type: list of corenlp_xml.dependencies.DependencyNode """ return [value for grouping in self._dependents.values() for value in grouping]
[docs] def dependents_by_type(self, dep_type): """ Gets the dependents of this node by a given dependency type :param dep_type: The dependency type :type dep_type: str :return: dependents matching the provided type """ return self._dependents.get(dep_type, [])
[docs] def governors_by_type(self, dep_type): """ Gets the governors of this node filtered by a dependency type :param dep_type: The dependency type :type dep_type: str :return: governors matching the provided type """ return self._governors.get(dep_type, [])
[docs] def governor(self, dep_type, node): """ Registers a node as governing this node :param dep_type: The dependency type :type dep_type: str :param node: :return: self, provides fluent interface :rtype: corenlp_xml.dependencies.DependencyNode """ self._governors[dep_type] = self._governors.get(dep_type, []) + [node] return self
[docs] def dependent(self, dep_type, node): """ Registers a node as dependent on this node :param dep_type: The dependency type :type dep_type: str :param node: The node to be registered as a dependent :type node: corenlp_xml.dependencies.DependencyNode :return: self, provides fluent interface :rtype: corenlp_xml.dependencies.DependencyNode """ self._dependents[dep_type] = self._dependents.get(dep_type, []) + [node] return self